Comments on: Low wings and the flare Flying a small plane. Mon, 03 Oct 2005 22:55:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: david Mon, 03 Oct 2005 22:55:43 +0000 Thanks for the detailed comment, Glenn. I think you’re right that the “compressed air” thing is an old wive’s/pilots’ tale.

When I was coding for the open source FlightGear flight simulator, I had a chance to discuss this issue with some hard-core aeronautical engineers, and I also did a bit of reading, trying to get ground effect right. While nobody is absolutely certain yet, the best explanation seems to be that ground effect actually cuts drag (by interfering with wingtip vortices) rather than increasing lift. You can find more information at Wikipedia.

By: glenn gibbons Mon, 03 Oct 2005 20:28:09 +0000 DOES GROUND REALLY EFFECT?

Flight Instructor Duncan MacDougall hollered from the front seat of the E2 Cub, “Do a 360 degree turn to the right.” I added full power, smoothly banked into the turn and watched the horizon pass around in front of us until the entry point coming up alerted me to level the wings and ease stick back pressure. Just then I felt a shake and a gentle rocking of the wings. To my question, Duncan answered, “You hit your prop wash.”

Back on the ground my instructor explained that by hitting our own prop wash it meant that the turn was perfectly level. I appreciated the compliment but could not believe that the backwash of that little prop passing by the fuselage after over a minute could still be strong enough to rock the airplane with two people in it.

Years later I found out that it was wing tip vortices we had hit and it did not mean I had made a level turn; it meant we had descended slightly.

Ever since those early $2-a-lesson days, I keep hearing about “ground effect” and how it causes an airplane to float over the runway or how the airplane gets “horsed” off the ground but can’t climb out of ground effect. Accidents are blamed on it. Even the astronauts reported entering ground effect on their first return in the space shuttle.

Like that “prop wash”, I think the prevailing spin on ground effect is “hog wash.”

Granted that air closest to the ground is most conductive to flight because it is denser than air one wingspan higher and air near the ground can’t be a downdraft because the ground is in the way. Maybe Piper should advertise better takeoff performance than Cessna because their wings are closer to the ground.

If ground effect were all it’s cracked up to be, wouldn’t beginning flight students be scattered all over the ends of runways where they ran out of ground effect?

The Federal Aviation Administration refers to ground effect in certifying aircraft and they claim, “The airplane is considered to be out of ground effect when it reaches a height equal to its wing span.”

In FAA’s Basic Helicopter Handbook there is an illustration with the caption “Ground effect results from the cushion of denser air built up between the ground and helicopter by the air displaced downward by the rotor.”

Why not prove if the above is true with a simple test? Mount a pressure instrument such as a spare altimeter on a helicopter skid and watch the reading on it while the helicopter takes off. Will it show a higher pressure at the instant before liftoff? It will not if what I learned in high school physics still holds true– that air cannot be compressed unless it is confined.

Ground cushion vehicles do confine air under them by use of “skirts” that cause the machine to rise a bit off the surface so air can escape under the skirt. Any airplane or helicopter flown by us men does not have a skirt.

What causes airplanes and rotorcraft to fly is to have their lifting surfaces push down masses of air equal to or greater than their own weights. This holds true at any altitude or closeness to the ground. Besides, no wing or rotor blade knows how far down below the ground is.

As an old bold pilot still enjoying flight adventures, I have never experienced floating over a runway except when I held too much airspeed and I have never lifted off and found it difficult to climb unless I was holding too high an angle of attack for the available thrust.

How about you?

Glenn Gibbons ATP 790358 1725 SW 52nd Street, Cape Coral, FL 33914 239-945-7075 AOPA #00026550

By: david Sun, 14 Aug 2005 13:24:37 +0000 I’m not fully convinced about the braking. If the plane is still going fast enough to keep flying, braking won’t be as effective, and it also runs a serious risk of loss of control during the rollout. I’ve had success with short landings in my Warrior (obstructed and unobstructed) holding the plane off until the stall — it decelerates *very* quickly that way and has almost no ground roll afterwards — but that requires approaching at an appropriately slow speed with full flaps (so that there is very little flare), and that scares a lot of pilots.

My biggest problem with a short-field landing on an obstructed field is giving too much clearance over the trees — I think you have to almost set up for a landing on the treetops so that you will clear them as tightly as possible.

By: Frank Ch. Eigler Sun, 14 Aug 2005 12:49:23 +0000 One other twist regarding short field landings, related to touchdown point. If one flares in such a way that the touchdown point is some way down the runway, then the bets are off. Airplanes decelerate much better on the ground (due to brakes) than in the air (due to flaps or whatever). So, unless you can flare ahead of the threshold and touch down on it, it may be better to avoid flaring, touch down at the earliest possible spot, and brake hard.

By: david Sun, 17 Jul 2005 18:33:18 +0000 Great comment, Sam — thanks. I’ve never been one to approach fast (at least not since I finished my PPL and bought my Warrior), so I haven’t experienced what would happen in ground effect at 80 or 90+ knots.

We’re starting to get a good community of aviation blogs. I had trouble finding any at first (and most were student-pilot blogs), but now I can barely keep up. I’ll look forward to reading yours.

By: Sam Weigel Sun, 17 Jul 2005 03:27:38 +0000 Cherokees – particularly hershey-bar PA28s but also tapered-wing Warriers, Achers, etc – have a tendancy to get a good sink rate going when power-off and at low speed. Cessnas seem to produce more lift closer to the stall. I believe this to be a difference between the Clark Y type airfoil found on the Cessnas and the semi-laminar flow airfoil on the Pipers. In hersey-bar Pipers, it is exaggerated by high induced drag due to the wing planform. When I was a young pilot – 120 hrs – I dropped in my first few Piper landings pretty good.

On the other hand, if the pilot is carrying in *too much* airspeed on final, the Pipers may well float more than Cessnas, because then parasite drag plays a larger part than induced drag, and you’re not quite so close to stall on the L/D chart…

Good blog, I’ll put you on my blogroll. If you’re interested, read Blogging at FL250, wherein I chronical my life of ultra-junior regional pilot and sometime freight dog. It’s at

Take Care,


By: david Sat, 16 Jul 2005 12:12:42 +0000 The Transport Canada Flight Training Manual states that for a short-field landing “the aircraft should touch down on the main wheels at its lowest possible airspeed.” The 172P POH is silent on touchdown speed, but the PA-28-161 POH agrees with the FTM: “reduce the speed during the flareout and contact the ground close to the stalling speed”.

Unless you’re already at stall speed on short final over the fence (a scary thought), you’re going to need some kind of a flare to transition to a slower touchdown speed. With a short-field approach, you have a slower approach speed (and thus, a shorter flare), but it’s still there, and the flare still ends when the plane nears stall speed — if a plane floats longer in ground effect, it will take longer to decelerate to its minimum speed.

By: Frank Ch. Eigler Sat, 16 Jul 2005 10:26:23 +0000 Here’s another thing to consider. Landing distances are often declared for short-field landings, ie., trying to minimize them. In such cases, one may not flare much or at all, just get the thing on the ground and brake. This would mean that comparing POH values for landing distance may have little to do with flare endurance.

By: david Sat, 16 Jul 2005 00:07:09 +0000 Airfoil shape is certainly in play — presumably (though I haven’t flown one) the Hershey-bar wing Cherokees have a much shorter flare still than the Warrior wing Cherokees. I’m still trying to think through all the implications of the dihedral.

By: Frank Ch. Eigler Fri, 15 Jul 2005 23:38:07 +0000 Interesting theory, but the 4% wing loading difference seems intuitively too small. Plus I would not expect any more induced drag due to dihedral – that’s a function of angle of attack, which operates in a perpendicular axis. I suspect the responsible party is still on the loose.
Maybe wing washout.
Maybe general airframe drag.
Maybe airfoil shape.
