Comments on: Flying the DME Arc Flying a small plane. Tue, 24 Jan 2006 01:16:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: david Tue, 24 Jan 2006 01:16:58 +0000 Paul — why not try inventing your own DME arc somewhere out of the way. Pick a VOR (any VOR), choose two radials, then fly the arc between them before continuing inbound. That’s really all there is to it.

I found it very annoying a while back when Toronto Centre vectored me around the published DME arc for North Bay (with constant 10 degree course changes) instead of simply assigning it to me. The frequency was busy enough, though, that I didn’t want to get in a long discussion.

By: Paul Tomblin Mon, 23 Jan 2006 12:02:08 +0000 I read somebody describe your method before I was taught the “proper” way, and having done both of them in the sim (but never in real life), your way is a lot easier. There is only one DME arc on an approach within 50nm of here, and ATC never lets you fly it because it gets in the way of their vectoring, so I’m hoping to never have to do one for real.

By: Hamish Mon, 23 Jan 2006 06:04:59 +0000 The DME arc should be (and often is) fairly simple when done properly, but in the US we have to demonstrate one during the checkride using the “approved” method, which with the old OBS and DME means a bunch of error-prone knob twisting. It’s conceptually so simple, but with the requirement that you track your radials all the way around, it’s the sort of thing that goes to pieces as the examiner starts distracting you (even though you’re actually tracking around it fairly well). For me the RMI version just makes it easier to visualise things and keep the track accurate because of the relationship of the wing and the needle… and no, I’ve never done an approach-related DME arc that wasn’t for training purposes. Not yet, anyway, despite there being one just south of here (KWVI). I have to say I rather enjoy doing them, despite the impression my postings probably give…
