Comments on: Buying a first plane Flying a small plane. Thu, 26 Jan 2006 17:55:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Niss Feiner Thu, 26 Jan 2006 17:55:31 +0000 Dave,

I spoke to Joe today and he said that FUBC was actually overhauled Toes To Tits a couple of years ago. Im going over sometime next week to have a look at the logbooks but I think its nota bad deal.


By: david Thu, 26 Jan 2006 02:31:24 +0000 It’s your call, of course — I can understand not wanting to spend $1,000 when your whole share will cost $10,000, but at least chat with some local AMEs who haven’t worked on the plane and see if they can put something less expensive together for you. Good inspections make good neighbours — if you don’t do the inspection and something expensive shows up in a year or two, it might strain your relationship with your old boss, and that could be a bigger loss than the money itself.

I’ve never been in a partnership, but from what I’ve heard personality is everything. You’re probably better off putting together a group of three or four people you’re comfortable with and buying the plane outright; otherwise, you might end up trying to share the plane with people you cannot get along with. COPA has some information on partnerships, if you’re a member; there are also many articles online.

By: Niss Feiner Wed, 25 Jan 2006 19:43:46 +0000 Also,

I would be buying 25% but he would be holding the remaining 75% untill he can sell it off.

By: Niss Feiner Wed, 25 Jan 2006 19:42:55 +0000 David,

Thanks for the information. Like I said the broker is my old boss who is also an AME, he has personally flown the plane and likes it himself. I do not believe that he would intentionally try to steer me wrong (but maybe I am aeronautically naive). Would you feel it neccisarry to go through the $1K inspection for a 25% or have Joe (my old boss) give it a once over and his opinion? I compeletly agree with going over the logs and plan on doing that anyway. Also, as you can see by the website link I provided (Click it, go to Aircraft Listings/Parts => Single Engine => 1966 Piper Cherokee 140) it has fresh cylinders and a 70/80 compression. Do you feel that this is a high time for an engine or airframe? I figure that where I am at with my aviation career, I really only need to squeeze about 400 hours out of an aircraft in its lifetime.

Thanks for the input,

Its nice to finally find some help and insight for Canadian planes and Canadain Plane Prices.
