Comments on: Excess of thrust Flying a small plane. Thu, 15 Jun 2006 19:57:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eudaldo Chavez Thu, 15 Jun 2006 19:57:34 +0000 Sometimes a big engine is a must, especially when flying into mountains, taking off from a shorth (really short) dirt runway
in the mountains (Sierra Madre) at noon in an underpowered aircraft can be really scary. But at the end it all comes to your
mission profile, if paying an extra buck is the price for my safety(and my familys) I will gladly pay it. I live in Sonora,
Mexico.(the state next to Arizona), I own a 73 C182, I like flying into the mountains to small ranches for breakfast(equivalent to the 100
dl hamburger) and my missions include flying to 250-300 miles away contruction sites with 2 or 3 passengers and moderate
luggage, I would never think of doing it in a smaller aircraft. If I want to have a 172, I just pull back on the throttle,
but I always know I have a 182 when I need it.

E. Chavez
