Comments on: Another contact approach Flying a small plane. Thu, 21 Aug 2014 16:18:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: david Sun, 09 Jul 2006 15:07:04 +0000 They’re waiving them for COPA members — the Esso FBO, at least, has a sign-up sheet where you write your name, COPA membership #, and tail number. The Esso is also asking AOPA members to sign the sheet, in the hope that the airport will extend the deal.

The landing fees never made sense — by the time you reckon the administrative costs of recording my tail number, tracking down my name and address, creating an invoice, mailing it to me (and also a reminder if I don’t pay promptly), then processing and depositing my cheque, I’m guessing that the airport was losing at least $10-20 on each landing fee they billed for my Warrior. Sault Ste. Marie (CYAM) has also cancelled landing fees for light aircraft, probably for similar reasons.

By: Mark Sun, 09 Jul 2006 12:19:40 +0000 Did I hear a rumour somewhere that City Center has waived landing fees for GA for the summer?
