Comments on: Changes at Toronto City Centre Airport Flying a small plane. Mon, 12 Feb 2007 02:15:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Flying_Celt Mon, 12 Feb 2007 02:15:43 +0000 There’s a meeting on Tuesday night at Porter’s FBO at CTZ, here’s the details:

Find out what’s happening at
Toronto City Centre Airport (CYTZ)

Tuesday, February 13 at 7:30 pm
Porter FBO at CYTZ (landing fees waived!)

Open to anyone who would like to hear about the future of general
aviation in the GTA. Landing fees are waived for the meeting, which
will feature:

– Kevin Psutka, COPA President, who will provide his perspective on
general aviation and airports in the Greater Toronto Area.

– Jim Morrison, VP Porter Airlines/Porter FBO, who will discuss Porter
Airlines, what the FBO has to offer for our sector of aviation.

– Bill Yule, CYTZ Airport Manager, who will be available to provide
information and answer questions about the airport.

– a discussion about the need for and future of COPA Flight 32 as a
focal point for central Toronto pilots.

RSVP and send any questions to Bill Nalepka, Flight 32 Captain at or call 416-222-2124

By: Blake Fri, 15 Dec 2006 19:53:15 +0000 There are some “technical” changes with regards to the lighting at YTZ too. I’ve written them up at my blog here:

By: Flyin Dutchman Mon, 11 Dec 2006 18:56:18 +0000 Great more delays 🙂

In Provincetown, Cap Cod there is scheduled service to Boston Logan via Cape Air 402’s. There is a large yellow perimeter that can not be penetrated at any time because it is the designated secure area. We were told if you park with your wingtip in it you will have to move. I also learned it was a secure area when I walked inside it to take a picture of the 402 on the ramp. So maybe like you said that is what YTZ will be like. Porter is down the way so it should remain seperate I am sure but like you said, no more walking right out to the aircraft.


By: david Mon, 11 Dec 2006 17:45:08 +0000 Thanks for the comment, FD.

I don’t have the same service requirements as a business turboprop with paying customers, obviously, but I’ve always been happy with the support I’ve had at TransCapital (especially from Garth) for me, my family, and my Hope Air passengers. I’ve heard stories of people flying in for lunch without taking fuel and still being allowed to park a few hours for free. Personally, I’ve always bought gas from them (the 100LL, at least, was reasonably priced) and I was glad to hear that they’re working on getting a new fuel supplier.

I heard from COPA that another concern is Porter’s plan to start scheduled flights to the U.S. That’s good for the airport, of course, but it might crank up security a lot at the main terminal (and Porter FBO) — you and your pax could end up waiting 20 minutes while a U.S. flight boards, for example. We’ll have to keep our fingers crossed.

By: Flyin Dutchman Mon, 11 Dec 2006 17:23:10 +0000 Hello Dave !

Thanks for the plug on your post 🙂

As for Porter and service…I don’t want to seem like I am dumping on them but here is what I have noticed from a year of
basically calling the place my second home.

1.Friendliest staff and most outgoing staff of any FBO I frequent and its a joy to see them everytime I go in.

2.They are a low volume FBO in terms of movement I would say and if there is more then one plane requiring a tow,fuel or any
other service they seem to get overwhelmed and you might have to wait awhile to get anything.

3.I have had to call a few times when I was dispatched earlier then expected so in order to get a leg up on the clients I
called ahead to have the airplane brought to the line, and if they could brew me some coffee, and get me some ice. Each time I
called I arrived to my airplane being parked still in the weeds and no coffee ready. When I enquire the person stated that
they were busy and forgot (its d’islands mon it ain’t busy!)

4.I try never to buy gas there as its the most expensive in my neck of the woods but we always pay the ramp fee even if
we do a 6 minute turn and were not even marshalled in. Better then the 250 to shut down at Signature in KIND but
we sometimes come in 4 times a day to YTZ. One day I required about 800 litres and the bill was over a 1000 bucks and they still made
me pay the damn ramp fee. Its not my money but its just good business and the Aero Toy Store in Montreal waves it all the time
for quick turns. But wait, I don’t have a choice of where to go at the Island 🙂

5.The staff are supppper friendly though and its always a pleasure to see and chat with them (just wanted to make that clear
in my whining 🙂

Anyways for you private fliers I sure hope things can work out more in your favour. If it was my dime I would be feeling the
same way and like you said in your previous post Dave this kinda stuff takes the fun out of flying.

Merry Christmas to you !

