Comments on: Winter Warrior wrangling Flying a small plane. Mon, 29 Jan 2007 00:16:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matt Mon, 29 Jan 2007 00:16:10 +0000 Something else you could do to plug in the engine heater is run the cord in through the front of the cowling (make sure it doesn’t droop onto the engine if it’s still hot). Or if you don’t really care about possibly bending the sheetmetal door slightly, run it into the door normally and latch one (what I usually do) or both latches.

Concerning winching it back by the tiedown, I know a few people at my airport that do this, and as far as I know they haven’t had any problems, even the ones with Cessnas (which have a wimpy small tiedown ring, as opposed to the tank-like one Piper uses). The mechanics at the FBO I work at also use the tiedown to pull the tail down if they have to work on the nosewheels of our Warriors, which I know is about 90 degrees different than pulling it backwards, but still should say something about the strength of those things. Actually, I think I’ll ask them about this when I’m there next.

By: randall g Wed, 24 Jan 2007 02:43:56 +0000 I’m starting to think about buying a boat winch and using it to pull the plane back by its tail tiedown.

I’ve seen discussions of this and some claim the tiedown is not designed for this. Consider roping the winch to your main gear.
