Very stupid mistake with very sever consequences. I am sure if they ever have a dead battery, they will charge it 100% before taking off. Just like any pilot would do that has more than 2 marbles in their head…
I am a bit taken back that this likely started with a master switch being left on (purely speculation) and a rush to get back home (gethomeitis). If any pilot does not know how an Alternator works, they are in for a lesson as the aforementioned idiots learned. You must have bias voltage to excite the armature to generate electricity. That means you need electricity to make electricity. The battery would never charge off the alternator alone even if there were enough voltage to make a charge. Generators don’t need voltage to work. Kind of important to know the difference…
Make sure we all thank the pilots for starting an AD and another legal issue in aviation. It is nice to know the cost of the aircraft will increase thanks to these idiots. God knows it isn’t their fault for the manufacture not taking the idiot factor in every singe detail of construction of an aircraft.
I’m not sure on the popular opinion, but what idiot would take off with dead batteries in a FADEC power plant? What idiots think a jump start via APU will suffice?