Comments on: Adding an autopilot Flying a small plane. Mon, 18 Dec 2017 21:31:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Megginson Mon, 18 Dec 2017 21:31:06 +0000 In reply to Cary.

I’ve been very happy with my STEC 20, especially because it’s independent of the vacuum system, and can still help me keep the wings level if I’m partial panel.

However, there have been a series of new, affordable autopilots released in 2017—from Garmin and others—that add a lot more functionality for the same price. I’d probably look at those first now, since you have the advantage of a few years of progress.

By: Cary Sun, 17 Dec 2017 13:02:19 +0000 Great read David! I am in the exact same position as you were. I have a very nicely equipped PA28161 that is in need of an autopilot. I have looked at all the models, rate-based and attitude-based (my preference), and am truly agonizing over the decision. Adding to the mix is a slew of new arrivals to the market, though the entry level APs offering purely GPS tracking are of little interest. I keep coming back to the Stec 20 and am comforted by the fact that it is upgradable. Glad to hear of your positive experience initially…how has it been since? (N2897M at PiperForum)

By: David Megginson Sun, 23 Nov 2014 22:30:32 +0000 In reply to Roy.

I made it out to Winnipeg, but none of those 3. Arctic is a challenge because avgas is rare — you have to try to arrange to buy barrels from band councils and hand-pump it, from what I’ve heard.

By: Roy Sun, 23 Nov 2014 06:42:58 +0000 Hi David, I came across this blog as I have an Stec 30 that’s broken, and I’m doing some research before getting it fixed. At any rate, I see that you and I have something in common. We both have the Arctic, Mississippi and west coast on our aviation bucket list. Your blog was written a few years ago, so I’m wondering if you’ve managed to fulfill any of your adventures. I’m planning a trip this summer: option 1 is Mississippi (the whole of the southern U.S.) and option 2 is the Arctic. I can’t really afford either, but considering I just spent a cr@p load on an engine, prop, and governor overhaul, I might as well make good use of the airplane, while fulfilling at least one lifelong dream. If you have advice on either I’d really appreciate it.

By: David Megginson Thu, 06 Nov 2014 03:30:35 +0000 That’s a hard call. I flew for almost 10 years without an AP, and I appreciate the skills I learned doing that, but at the same time, if you can afford it, it never hurts to have an extra safety option on board. Just make sure your instructor integrates it into your IFR training, including dealing with failures.

By: Ben Wed, 05 Nov 2014 20:26:55 +0000 Great write up on autopilots! I am a new instrument student working toward my IR and planning to purchase an airplane. Do you recommend adding an autopilot like STEC 55X versus an IFR GPS as part of the training or should I hand fly instruments a while before adding an autopilot to training and the check ride?

By: robocom Sat, 25 Jan 2014 03:46:36 +0000 Sorry if I missed it, but how much did adding the AP cost?

By: David Megginson Thu, 11 Aug 2011 14:10:24 +0000 JW: I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying your Warrior II — it’s a surprisingly capable plane for a low-end trainer. My children are adult-sized now, but when they were still kids and tweens, I could take all four of us, plus baggage, plus the dog, plus full fuel 450+ nm with IFR reserves. We flew to Cape Breton, Halifax, Gaspé, New York City, Boston, Toronto, Sault Ste. Marie and many other places, and I’ve taken it as far south as Washington/Dulles for business.

Now that they’re older, I find the plane is great for visiting my older daughter at university (1.5-2 hour flight, vs 4.5-5.5 hour drive) or giving her a lift home, for taking my younger daughter down to Boston for Red Sox games, and still, for Hope Air flights whenever I can fit them in. As gas gets more and more expensive, I love that the plane burns only around 7 gph at full cruise power when flying LOP/WOT.

By: JW Mon, 01 Aug 2011 17:42:23 +0000 Glad to see you update your blog… it had gone quiet for a while and I was wondering about you. Your blog has greatly influenced me. I was leaning toward the Cherokee family when I was looking for a plane, but your blog really convinced me that I wasn’t crazy to be considering a “trainer” like the Warrior 2 for personal family transport. Last month we bought a Warrior 2. Very nice plane for the small family…. big enough, economical to operate, and much nicer to fly longer distances than the Skyhawks I trained in.

My “new-old bird” sports the Piper-badged wing-leveler A/P made by Century. Been there since the beginning. I am just a visual pilot now (again your blog has motivated me to do my IFR later this autumn), but I already love my A/P on the x-countries. My A/P can be driven by the VOR/OBS or by the Apollo GX60 GPS. Altitude hold would be nice sometimes, but like you say trim works really well in smooth air. This morning I flew A/P for at least an hour. After I trimmed altitude, the old Warrior would hold +/- 50 feet with nearly zero input from me.

Happy flying and keep blogging.

By: David Megginson Thu, 28 Jul 2011 10:57:34 +0000 Blake: thanks. I don’t think the AP will change any of my personal limits, except perhaps letting me fly more longer trips with less fatigue (e.g. maybe Ottawa to Winnipeg or Newfoundland in a single day). Currently, the main things that force me to cancel a flight are icing, low surface vis, or too much CB.

By: David Megginson Thu, 28 Jul 2011 10:54:07 +0000 KC: thanks for the comment. How do you find the S-TEC 30’s altitude control? In an underpowered, 160-hp PA-28-161, I’m concerned that I’ll see my airspeed fluctuating wildly in thermals.

By: Blake Thu, 28 Jul 2011 02:33:40 +0000 awesome! Glad you’re enjoying the AP. Does this change any of your personal limits at all? For example.. would you consider flying in something more challenging (weather wise) now that you have a second set of hands on the yoke?

By: KC Thu, 28 Jul 2011 02:24:57 +0000 Congratulations. I have a 1969 Piper Cherokee 235 with a STEC 30 auto-pilot. I just had it painted and understand very well the balancing act of deciding what “needs” an upgrade. Enjoy the summer weather and the new auto-pilot.
