This blog reflects my observations and opinions on aviation, especially general aviation in North America. It does not (necessarily) reflect the opinions of my excellent customers and colleagues in my professional work as a consultant through Megginson Technologies, and will never reveal or even hint at any non-public information that I might stumble upon in my work.
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I live in ottawa and am working on my PPL.
I came across your blog and noticed the Piper warrior you fly has the same call sign as the one in the Flight Gear simulator, this can’t be coincidence?
Hi, Chris — you’re absolutely right about FGFS. I did a lot of work on FlightGear during the first half of the 2000’s, and used my Warrior as the model for the PA-28-161.
Hi David,
I came across your blog when researching flight enthusiast sites and wondered if you accept guest posts?
I’d love to write a piece on aviation and flight for a link back to my client.
I’ve got a few post titles in mind and would be happy to email these over to you if you’re interested
Let me know,
Kind Regards