Here’s a web application that mashes the FAA ATA 100 airport/airspace database with the Google maps public API:
FAA Airports, Airspace fixes Google Maps/Earth interface
It will show the position of any U.S. airport, navaid, or fix, and can plot some basic routes. As I mentioned earlier, I expect to see a lot more of these soon, with a lot more sophistication.
Cool app. I wonder if users of my database generator would like to see a google map updating with all thier points as it generates? I wonder if google maps could handle 30,000 points?
It would be a lot more useful simply to be able to see parts of the database on Google maps (hiding most features when zoomed far out — do you have any way to distinguish big airports from small ones?).
Just thought I’d point out… (pun!) the data points are all done client side… so the right question is… can your browser handle 30k points… right?
neat finding links to this page, there is a secret option (use texas, it’s the worst.. or best)
It will show all the airports in Texas. It’s the state with the most.
I need to fix the airways, they’re trouble.. sigh.
My site has been online for a few months now. It provides just airport info on a Google Map.