XML 2005 Conference

My Warrior’s engine is finally back from overhaul in Halifax after its lighting strike, and I hope to be back in the air in a bit over a week. Next month, I’m planning a long (7+ hour) flight from Ottawa down to Atlanta to speak at the XML 2005 conference. If you are one of the large group of people who share an interest in both technology and flying, I’d love to see you there: I don’t plan to talk about flying from the podium, but would love to chat about it in the halls or over a drink or meal.

This will be the longest single-direction flight I’ve done (though not the most hours I’ve flown in a single day). Since it will be icing season, I’m going to schedule in a lot of flexibility, and will use the airlines if nothing else works out.

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3 Responses to XML 2005 Conference

  1. Paul Tomblin says:

    Glad to hear you’re flying again. I don’t think I can get the boss to spring for XML 2005. But I’m going to be in Ottawa on the 4th/5th/6th, and hopefully I’ll be flying up. You want to get together?

  2. Jared says:

    Let me know if your flights have a stop over in Charlotte… I fly out of 28A at the moment.

  3. david says:

    Wilco. It will most likely be West Virginia or southwestern Pennsylvania, though.

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