IFR flight test; OurAirports passes 100 members

Some time today, while I was in the air over Ottawa taking my 24-month IFR renewal flight test (passed), OurAirports ticked past 100 registered members. People are leaving so many comments that I can barely keep up with reading all of them, and there are many maps I haven’t looked at yet. The personal airports-visited maps I have seen are fascinating — most pilots have clusters around their home airports, with a few further away from long cross countries, but some follow other patterns, like long, east-west lines. A few have made maps of their airline travel, and I plan on giving a way soon to distinguish airports visited as a passenger from airports visited as a pilot.

By the way, the 100th member was MarkAnd, who’s done most of his flying in Ohio and western Pennsylvania. At the time of writing, we have 103 members in total. Thanks to MarkAnd and to everyone else who’s contributed to the site.

(I’ve moved the site to a fast, dedicated server, and the performance problems seem to be over.)

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8 Responses to IFR flight test; OurAirports passes 100 members

  1. Tony Hunt says:

    First – congrats on the IFR renewal, I did mine in Cornwall two weeks ago. Who was your examiner, and which approaches did you do?

    I was preparing a quick list of suggestions for you – #1 on the list was a means to identify whether you were the pilot when you landed at that airport, or were you a passenger on a commercial flight?

  2. david says:

    Thanks, Tony. A lot of people have requested that feature, and it’s one of my top priorities, once I catch up on my consulting work for my customers.

    Gerry Thompson at the Ottawa Flying Club is a DFTE, so I always do my IFR flight test with him (even though I’m not an OFC member any more). We did a hold at YOW, the VOR/DME 09 full procecure at CYND, and the ILS 32 at CYOW, which is pretty-much the normal pattern for an IFR flight test out of CYOW.

  3. MarkAnd says:

    The site is great! I, too, was hoping for a way to distinguish between airports I’d flown to and airports that I’d been flown to.

    Looking at other people’s maps sure was humbling. I still have a couple to add when I have a chance to check my logbook, but boy, are my flights ever local. Farthest south: Columbus, OH. Farthest west: Columbus, OH. Lewis or Clark, I ain’t.

  4. Aviatrix says:

    The sign-up link didn’t work for me.

  5. Aviatrix says:

    It was a typo. The link is given as sign-up.html, but signup.html without the hyphen worked.

  6. Aviatrix says:

    Okay, that’s really cool. I entered a bunch of airports. Wait until I have all my logbooks in one place and can get them all. Who knew that that was all it would take to get Aviatrix to reveal her whereabouts.

    It took me a while to figure out how to add airports. After all, I wasn’t searching, I knew where they were. Can I add airports as a comma-separated list somehow, so I don’t have to keep hitting search?

    I wouldn’t mind like an option to connect the dots in order to see what it all spells. I tried doing that on a map of one province once.

  7. Aviatrix says:

    And there’s an off-by-one error on the visitors count, showing one more than the axctual number of visitors.

  8. david says:

    Thanks for the comments and bug reports. I can’t reproduce the off-by-one visitor count error, but I’ll keep watching for it. I did find the broken sign-in link on the home page and fixed it.

    Bulk airport entry is on my TODO list, but there are still a few higher priorities. The next thing to appear (other than the many bug fixes and code cleanups that you can’t see) will probably either be (a) identifying your home airport (and seeing a list of who calls each airport home), or (b) being able to reply to a comment rather than having to start a new one with the same title. A little bit into the longer term, I’d like to let members communicate directly with each other.

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