
There is a new version of OurAirports optimized for cell phones and other small devices. This first release includes search, airport lists, comments, and (what’s not available on the regular site) TAF and METAR reports. There are no maps in the mobile edition, and it is not currently possible to leave comments (they’re read-only). Check it out at


(I developed the mobile site over two calendar days and about one person day. Thanks to my very rushed beta testers, Paul, Blake, and Douglas.)

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3 Responses to ourairports.mobi

  1. Richard says:

    Nice! Bookmarked on my Blackberry.

  2. Richard says:

    I’ve been using ourairports.mobi for a while, and still really like it. I have noticed that in Basic Information, Location, there is a field header for msl, but it doesn’t have any data. At least for the airports I’ve looked at. An oversight?

  3. david says:

    Thanks for the bug report, Richard — I’ve fixed the problem, and elevations should be showing up again.

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