OurAirports now includes pilot info pages with comm frequences, live weather, runway information, and live notams — for now, it’s accessible though the “Pilot info” tab at the top of each airport page, but I’ll be redesigning the site over the next few weeks, so the link location will likely change.
Here’s sample pilot information for Bahrain International Airport.
Note that it’s not currently possible to edit frequency or runway information. I’ll be adding that ability soon, as well as data for more airports (right now, only larger airports have runway and comm information).
Update: if an airport doesn’t have its own METAR and/or TAF, OurAirports will display the closest ones available. This works in both the main and mobile versions. Look at pilot info for Rivière-du-Loup Airport for an example (mobile pilot info for Rivière-du-Loup Airport).
Where are you getting the comm freqs and runway info from? And where are you getting the metars and tafs from?
Hi there,
I was so impressed with your site ‘ourairports.com’ that I put a few links to pilot info for a couple of airports in Tanzania. Now I have found away to read the weather at home(its not easy in Tanzania).
I also put a link to your blog from my site.
Paul: I replied personally, but missed that this was a comment. For everyone else’s benefit, the comm frequencies and runways came initially from the old DAFIF, but Paul was kind enough to supply me with a dump of his navaids.com database, which I’ve used to updated many smaller airports. I’ve used a few other online sources for Australia, the UK, etc.
Ryan: thanks for the comment — I’ve very happy that you’re finding it useful. If you’re away from an internet terminal, but still have a satphone or cellphone with a browser, you can use OurAirports.mobi to get text-only pilot info as well.
Congrats David on making one of the greatest aviation resources today, even better! Nice work. I can’t wait to get to use this in real life. 🙂