Author Archives: David Megginson
I failed…
In spring 1976, I failed grade 7 French. It was my delinquent year — I was almost two years younger than the other kids, starting the school year in 1975 still aged 10, and as hormones pulled my slightly-older friends … Continue reading
Flying and concentration
When I was up practicing holds today, I realized something important: it’s not concentration, but lack of concentration that makes a good pilot. Sure, on the ground concentration can be a good thing: you check weather and NOTAMs, plan your … Continue reading
Severe windstorm
Update: pix at the Rain Aviation Blog (via Dave Rooney’s comment). My home airport, Ottawa Rockcliffe, was hit by severe winds yesterday: I’ve heard from 18-24 airplanes damaged, at least 10 of which are write-offs. After supper today my spouse … Continue reading
Flying is like …
Here’s how some recent tweets describe flying: LizaBelle30: Flying is like throwing yourself at the ground and missing elysiancoffee: flying is like preparing oneself for a big performance in which I only become an instrument johnnyo312: flying is so horrible … Continue reading
What WW II plane would I have wanted to fly?
Yesterday, I asked what WWII plane you would have chosen to fly. I thought my answer was not so obvious — I expected to see a lot of Spitfires, Mustangs, ME-109s, Zeros, B-29s, etc. — but two other people have … Continue reading
Blog question: what World War II plane would you have wanted to fly?
Here’s a question for the aviation bloggers reading this posting: if this were World War II, and you could have a two-year mission to fly any military aircraft you chose (from any country), what would it be? To make it easier, … Continue reading
Ottawa TFR for President Obama's visit
Four and a half years ago I complained about a Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) for President Bush’s visit to Ottawa. I like President Obama a lot better than I liked President Bush — and I’m very excited that he’s making … Continue reading
Class A airports
Update: removed Le Bourget. ICAO Class A (“class alfa”) airspace is the strictest of all, allowing only IFR operations (without special permission). In the U.S. and southern Canada, most airspace between FL180 and FL600 is class A (the floor is … Continue reading
No more Microsoft Flight Simulator?
Rumour says that Microsoft layed off most or all of the Flight Simulator development team this morning (Gamasutra, Gizmodo). Microsoft (originally, Sublogic) flight simulator has been around for 29 years — I first tried it in ’82 or ’83. If … Continue reading
Ditching a jetliner
While we don’t have all the details yet, it sounds like amazing work from a US Airways crew, ditching a jetliner (a 737?) into the Hudson River today (story) right after takeoff from La Guardia Airport. According to witnesses, the … Continue reading